Laura Paraschiv
Content Manager
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About the author
Laura Paraschiv are peste 5 ani de activitate ca jurnalist și alți 5 ani experiență de content writer și marketer. Nu are nicio problemă în a scrie pentru orice public sau industrie, dar mai mereu se bâlbâie când trebuie să scrie despre sine.

What’s new in Google Workspace in May 2023

What’s new in Google Workspace in April 2023

What is cloud storage and how does it work?

What’s new in Google Workspace in March 2023

Lock it up: Safeguarding your company’s data with Google Vault

How to get Gmail with your own domain? (@yourcompany)

What’s new in Google Workspace in February 2023

Google Meet vs. Zoom: Which one is better for video conferencing?

What’s new in Google Workspace in January 2023

Draw.io online – a step-by-step guide for users