About the customer
Absolvent is a Polish recruitment platform dedicated to students, graduates and young professionals. It was founded back in 2011 by a group of students who have noticed that there’s no reliable channel of contact between employers and young people seeking employment. The aim was clear from the beginning: Absolvent is going to connect candidates and recruiters in a professional manner, using cutting-edge technology and with careful consideration of users’ needs.
Absolvent Group not only runs a platform, but also:
- organises Absolvent Talent Days event and music festival,
- provides HR consulting services,
- makes Employer Branding Days Conference happen,
- publishes Mentor Kariery which presents the best polish employers,
- supports a nationwide scholarship program for young people,
- established a foundation that assists graduates in their first steps on the job market.
In just 5 years (2012-2016), the number of their clients skyrocketed from 15 to 1200, and their team grew from 2 to 60 people – now it’s over a hundred. Between 2013 and 2016, they have noticed an astounding 2279% increase in revenue. They have been using Google Workspace on every stage in this process.
The challenge
Absolvent’s initial crew knew that expansion is just around the corner, and they needed a scalable cloud solution to stay in control when it happens. Information that Absolvent’s employees work with every day need special security measures. Personal information of thousands of young professionals is at stake here.
Absolvent isn’t afraid of growing and splitting into more relevant brands to cover all the market niches that were left unexplored. They launched a second recruitment platform – kiwijobs.pl, to help frontline employees find the perfect employer. Multiple domains required a flexible email account management service that doesn’t need an army of technicians to maintain.

Decision about using Google Workspace was made years ago, at the very launch of the company. No one ever complained about it. Since we started cooperation with FOTC, we upgraded our Google Workspace plan – newly gained freedom of unlimited storage space is a huge convenience.
The solution
Absolvent employees have been using Google Workspace from the beginning, so the upgrade of the service went smoothly. Even the emergence of a new company and brand – kiwijobs.pl – wasn’t a problem. New domain, migration of mailboxes, additional accounts and safety measures were configured in a very short time by a single admin with the help of Google Cloud partner, FOTC.

I’ve been thinking how to make data migration painless – FOTC's help was all I needed. Whenever a question popped-up in my mind, they provided me with a practical and detailed answer.
Maximum control with minimum effort is one of the advantages that distinguish Google Workspace from other solutions. The Google Admin panel turned out to be the perfect tool for managing the domains of several related brands. Even with a three-digit number of employees, one administrator can take care of the entire system.
Alerts ensure that any risk of a security breach is immediately mitigated. Users of the platform and people responsible for their safety don’t have to worry – if something happens, the admin will be warned at once.
Two-factor authentication is forced on all employees of Absolvent.pl as another precautionary measure. As a result, the hacker would need the password and access to the attacked person’s smartphone. That makes identity theft almost impossible.
Full mobility of all Google Workspace applications is important whenever one or few employees are out of office – either working remotely or tending to some event. They have constant access to all their files from anywhere in the world.
Recruitment platform was created to simplify contact between young people and employers and to make it as convenient as possible for both parties involved. Ease of use was always one of Absolvent’s platform main goals – no wonder they also bet on full convenience internally. Google Workspace proved to be the most user-friendly solution, so they didn’t hesitate to introduce it at launch and upgrade when the opportunity came.
Another aspect of their convenience-driven conduct of proceedings was fulfilled by cooperation with a Google Cloud partner in Poland. FOTC provided them with know-how and support, which were crucial on some stages of implementation.
The company still grows, and their cloud expands with them – no space is wasted, and yet every need is met. Google Workspace was Absolvent’s first and best choice.